Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Annie Off Leash - A NEW WEBSITE!

It has been a fun ride with Atoll Annie, but I think it’s time to leave the island chain and move in another direction. I was feeling a little tied down at the old homestead so I broke free of the leash in hot pursuit of the thrown bone. I’m not sure if this move will result in more creative juices flowing, but I plan to give it a whirl and bask in a new glow.

The new digs, Annie Off Leash can be found at AnnieOffLeash!
Or...the URL is http://www.annieboreson.com.

I know it’s a hassle, but it would be greatly appreciated if you would change the URL on your site blogroll, sidebar, or wherever you have my link. Also, I would be overjoyed to have you as a follower or fan on Facebook (Annie Off Leash.)

Thanks for making the move with me. I owe you one!

Annie Off Leash!

P.S. Anyone looking for a blog makeover? I highly recommend the website design expertise of Jen and Kelly at Tribal Blogs. You won't be disappointed. They are professional, courteous, and aim to please. I probably drove them nuts, but they still seem to be returning my emails. To reach them, either go to the Tribal Blog website at http://tribalblogs.com or contact Jen at jen@tribalblogs.com.